Staff FAQ

How to handle interview and hire requests in NeoEd when job is posted in HireTouch

The recommendation is to secure all hires, complete the new employee onboarding process, and close out the Job in HireTouch prior to December 20, 2023. The amount of information that needs to be saved from HireTouch by December 20th will depend upon which stage of the hiring process the committee is at. The further along in the process, the less information that is required to be saved from HireTouch.

 Faculty and Administrative Professional:

 A candidate has not been selected for the position

Initial review:  The search committee performs an initial review of applications, sorts them into “qualified” and “not qualified” groups, and the committee performs their Committee Review for all applicants (this includes Disposition codes for those not qualified).

If the search committee has completed the initial review by December 15th:  Conduct next steps in HireTouch.

If the search committee has not completed the initial review by December 15th:  Review of applications will be conducted outside of HireTouch. Download and save all applications to OneDrive folder. Make them available to the search committee.  Continue with the approval to interview using the placeholder process.

Approval to interview:  The search committee has identified which of the qualified applicants they would like to interview, and submit through the approval process.

If approval to interview has been granted by December 15th:  Proceed with scheduling and conducting interviews. Download and save the finalists’ application to OneDrive folder.

If approval to interview has not been granted by December 15th:  The approval to interview will be performed using the Adobe Sign process. Download and save the finalists’ application to OneDrive folder.

Hire Proposal:  The search committee has identified the candidate of their choice and seeks approval to make an offer.

If approval to make an offer has been granted on or before December 1st:  Proceed with HireTouch NOA. The approval process must be completed by December 8th.

If approval to make an offer has not been granted by December 1st:  When approval has been granted, proceed with paper NOA using the placeholder process.

A candidate has accepted the position

HireTouch Notice of Appointment

If approvals are completed prior to December 8th, no further action is needed by the department. The department may begin the Adobe Sign onboarding process.

If approvals are not completed prior to December 8th, the department will need to start the process over using the NOA PDF and Adobe Sign onboarding process.

New employee onboarding (Do not perform this process for current employees moving into a new position)

All onboarding initiated on or after December 1st will use the Adobe Sign onboarding process. Departments will need to download the approved NOA.

If onboarding was initiated in HireTouch prior to December 1st but not completed by December 15th, the onboarding process must be re-initiated using the Adobe Sign onboarding process. Please respond promptly when receiving email notification of a candidate’s completion of HireTouch onboarding.

Civil Service

 A candidate has not been selected for the position


If you do not plan on having the position filled by December 8th you will need to download the Civil Service application materials for each referred candidate by December 22nd.  We will not have access to these materials immediately following the new year.  To ensure all needed documents are available to you, please save them for any Civil Service positions you are currently in the process of filling.  Do not complete the candidate assessment form within HireTouch. Instead, document each referred candidate’s interest/non-interest and interview results on the candidate assessment form located on the HR website at

A candidate has accepted the position

HireTouch Notice of Appointment

If approvals are completed prior to December 8th, no further action is needed by the department. The department may begin the Adobe Sign onboarding process.

If approvals are not completed prior to December 8th, the department will need to start the process over using the NOA PDF and Adobe Sign onboarding process.

New employee onboarding (Do not perform this process for current employees moving into a new position)

All onboarding initiated on or after December 1st will use the Adobe Sign onboarding process. Departments will need to download the approved NOA.

If onboarding was initiated in HireTouch prior to December 1st but not completed by December 15th, the onboarding process must be re-initiated using the Adobe Sign onboarding process. Please respond promptly when receiving email notification of a candidate’s completion of HireTouch onboarding.



How do current employees request to transfer or test for a classification

Current employees should go to the HR Employment website to complete a transfer request or a request to test for a classification.

OHC - How do I request access to NeoEd OHC

After completing the Civil Service and Faculty/AP OHC training sessions, you may complete and submit a security request.

Who do I contact if I don't have the correct access

Please contact the HR Employment Office.

OHC - How do I access the NeoEd Online Hiring Center (OHC) system

The NeoEd Online Hiring Center (OHC) is now available to access with single sign-on. The link is also available on the HR Employment Office website.

How do I onboard a new employee after December 8, 2023, but before NeoEd Onboard is available

Adobe Sign should be used to complete the hiring paperwork.

Sign into Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Enter Username (SIU email address), hit the tab key, and pause a few seconds for single sign-on to process. Do not enter a password.

Select “Company or School Account”, and this will take you to the Welcome page.

In the “Send a document for signature” section, select “Start from library”.

Select the “Workflows” library on the left side of the pop-up.

Select SIUC Employee Onboarding –> HR Packet

Click “Start”.

Enter the new employee’s email address in the “Signer” box.

Enter email addresses in the .cc box for any others you want to receive a copy.

In the Files section, add any optional files that need to be included in the packet.

Click Next.

Review the packet and click Send.

Note: The packet is not sent to the new employee until the Pre-fill step has been completed, so be sure to complete the next step.


  • Enter the new employee’s name.
  • Enter the Employee Id if known, otherwise leave blank.
  • Click the blue “Next” pointer until the pointer is positioned on the Direct Deposit Authorization Form.
  • Select the Payroll Name they will be paid on.
  • Click the blue “Click to Send” button at the bottom.
How do I sign into Adobe Acrobat Sign

Be sure to read the entire paragraph below, otherwise Single Sign-On will not work.

On the Adobe Acrobat Sign login page, enter your SIU Carbondale email address, hit the tab key, and pause for a few seconds. Do not enter a password. Pausing allows Adobe to process your Single Sign-On.

Select “Company or School Account”, and this will take you to the Welcome page.

When do I stop using the Adobe Sign Process

NeoEd Onboard is replacing the Adobe Sign process for all hires except Extra Help, Graduate Assistants, and Students. If you have already initiated the Adobe Sign process for your hire, you do not need to redo it in Onboard.

The hiring process for Extra Help, Graduate Assistants, and Students will not be changing at this time.

Onboard - Training

Training has not been scheduled. See the training page for more information.

Onboard - Who is required to attend training

Hiring managers and supervisors should plan to attend.

Onboard - What is the difference between Preboard and Onboard

Preboard is the term used for your selected candidate who has accepted the job offer, but has not yet met all of the contingencies for the hire such as background check, providing official transcripts, and drug testing. They will remain in this Preboard phase until all contigencies have been met.

Onboard is the term used when all contingencies for the hire have been met and the employee is completing their hiring paperwork within Onboard, and SIU generates their dawgtag, employee number, and email address.

Onboard - When should I use Onboard

If you have processed your hire in OHC, you will pre-board or promote the hire using the Onboard module.

Onboard - How do I move my new employee through the Onboard process

Onboard an employee by assigning checklists for the department, employee, and HR to complete.

Onboard - When and how will my new employee receive their SIU credentials

After your new hire has met all hiring contingencies and pushed to Onboard, an automated processes will generate their employee number, dawgtag, and email address.

Applicant FAQ

Where will my files go?

HireTouch will no longer be available as of 4:00 pm on December 8, 2023. If you want an electronic copy, you will need to save your application, resume, cover letter, etc. from HireTouch by this time.

How do I get my application status during this transition

Civil Service applicants should contact Human Resources and Faculty & Administrative Professional applicants should contact the department.

Who needs to re-apply in NEOED
If you are currently on a Civil Service employment register the HR Employment Office may be reaching out to you via email if needed for further action. As of December 11, 2023 applicants can subscribe to class specs, please do this if there is a Civil Service classification you are interested in. By subscribing to a class spec you will be notified via email when a position attached to that class spec is posted and available for you to apply to.
Will my current application in HireTouch transfer to the new system

No, applicants will need to complete an application when applying to a position in the new NEOED system.